FREE SHIPPING in KSA on all orders over 300.SR. no code needed
FREE SHIPPING in KSA on all orders over 300.SR. no code needed
Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. Use code: NEW FAMILY
Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. Use code: NEW FAMILY
FREE SHIPPING in KSA on all orders over 300.SR. no code needed
FREE SHIPPING in KSA on all orders over 300.SR. no code needed
Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. Use code: NEW FAMILY
Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. Use code: NEW FAMILY
FREE SHIPPING in KSA on all orders over 300.SR. no code needed
FREE SHIPPING in KSA on all orders over 300.SR. no code needed
Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. Use code: NEW FAMILY
Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. Use code: NEW FAMILY
FREE SHIPPING in KSA on all orders over 300.SR. no code needed
FREE SHIPPING in KSA on all orders over 300.SR. no code needed
Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. Use code: NEW FAMILY
Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. Use code: NEW FAMILY
FREE SHIPPING in KSA on all orders over 300.SR. no code needed
FREE SHIPPING in KSA on all orders over 300.SR. no code needed
Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. Use code: NEW FAMILY
Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. Use code: NEW FAMILY
FREE SHIPPING in KSA on all orders over 300.SR. no code needed
FREE SHIPPING in KSA on all orders over 300.SR. no code needed
Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. Use code: NEW FAMILY
Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. Use code: NEW FAMILY
FREE SHIPPING in KSA on all orders over 300.SR. no code needed
FREE SHIPPING in KSA on all orders over 300.SR. no code needed
Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. Use code: NEW FAMILY
Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. Use code: NEW FAMILY
FREE SHIPPING in KSA on all orders over 300.SR. no code needed
FREE SHIPPING in KSA on all orders over 300.SR. no code needed
Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. Use code: NEW FAMILY
Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. Use code: NEW FAMILY
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مسحوق سبيرولينا أزرق عضوي

55.00 ر.س

المعجون الذهبي الأصلي 💛

62.97 ر.س
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🍦خليط الكونق

33.00 ر.س

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إضافة إلى المفضلة
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يعتمد الخليط على:

🍦 لبن الماعز.

المكونات الأخرى هي:

🍦حلوياتنا المجففة غنية بالبروتين الطبيعي بدون أي إضافات.

كما تساعد السبيرولينا على الهضم، وقد أظهرت الدراسات التي أجريت على الحيوانات بعض الفوائد لوظيفة الجهاز المناعي، كمضاد للالتهابات ومضاد للحساسية، وكعلاج وقائي للسرطان للعلاج الكيميائي والإشعاعي وغيرها من الفوائد. عدة بذور أخرى


Note: This product can’t be shipped outside of riyadh .

 ✓ Pickup available at our home bakery - Please contact us to schedule a pick up date 

عادة ما تكون جاهزة خلال 2-4 أيام

🌱جميع المكونات عضوية من وزارة الزراعة الأمريكية ومعتمدة من QAI, Inc.. باستثناء البروتين.


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